Chris “Crystal” Taylor states the following:

Bass drum was 26″, snare drum 14″, Mounted Tom Toms, 6″, 8″, 10″, 12″, 13″, 14″, 15″, 16″. Floor Toms 18″ & 20″. Timbales were 14″ & 15″ and three Simmonds Electronic Drum Pads.


On some tours we also had a 28″ & 30″ Ludwig Timpani. These little buggers were copper shells on metal bases. Very expensive and very heavy and awkward to lift and it took four people to get them up on top of the back half of the riser, which was about six foot high.

Cymbals were a mix of Zyldjian and Paiste with 14″ high hats, 8″ bell, 16″ splash, 2 x 18″ crash, 22″ ride, 22″ crash and 24″ china. All stands, pedals and hardware were, of course Ludwig made.

And last but not least, my pride and joy, the love of my life, the cause of all my nightmares, the thing I hated most in life, it is of course… the Gong. I cringe just typing that word. Anyway, it was a 60″ Paiste Gong.”

The kits were mostly Ludwig apart from one Yamaha kit in 1986, the Ludwigs were several balck ones, a Silver Sparkle in 1980 and a Chrome one in 1984, later Roger played a natural maple finish one in the Freddie tribute concert. He has several others at home including a Gretch kit and a DW kit.